Saturday, December 12, 2015

Placeholder Text

Heya guys! is me Watupgirl here and today I will just talking about how I have very busy! Seriously though I  have been super busy! and if anyone wants to give me suggestions for a new title please leave it in the coments!

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Heya jammers its me Watupgirl322 here and I'm SURE that I'm not the only one who has noticed this but the new gingerbread mask is glitched! If you go and look at it and roll over it...
It will say the item that is right next to it!
so todays was returning! the icicle horn so thats about all the news today!
so I hope you guys have a happy holiday!
Cya Guys!


Friday, December 4, 2015

How do I what?

ok so hey jammahs! (I am so very sorry for acting like lilacpetal) I love making posts and updating my blog but I cant figure out how to do much and I'm afaraid that my blog will be boring! I just don't want that to happen and I hope you have a wonderful time reading my blog! now onto the daily gift! no picture avalible again but good news! non members get diamonds! so the gift is a cute snowman in a box! I hope you all have a great day!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Daily Gift And Daily Posts! (Maybe)

Hey there whats up guys? I would just like to announce that i will be trying to make daily posts!
and speaking of daily....
The new Jamaaliday gift came out today! (sorry no picture avalible :( !  )
I just hope you guys keep coming back to my blog! and feel free to comment! I hope to see you guys soon! Byee!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Again a very random post

I am also Watupgirl322 on AJ so friend meh i might beha new jammah so atleast try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some random post

Hello I like to write in some funky fonts but.... So lets get started talkin bout the new update or maybe a lil old but now non members now can change colors of items and soon hopefully I wish they will let us get member items!! So Tha End - Watupgirl322   

Have an awesome semester 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rares and new stuff!

hey everyone its me watupgirl here and today i will be talking about rares 
animal jam has loads of cool rare items but some of them arent even rare!
first off the Spiked Collar its not very rare beacuse a ton of people have them!
next the headdress they are a teeny bit rarer then spiked collar but a ton of people still have them!
now onto the new items
i dont have pictures but i do know that there are a ton of new items 
 in jam mart!
See ya guys later! Byee!